
몬스터 주식회사(Monster, Inc.) 본문


몬스터 주식회사(Monster, Inc.)

creamkj 2023. 6. 7. 11:28


# 1


설리 That's just a closet. Will you go to sleep? Hey, that looks like Randall. Randall's your monster.

You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. Oh, boy, how do I explain this? Uh... it's empty. See? No monster in here. Well, now there is. But uh... I'm not gonna scare you.

I'm off duty. Okay, how about I sit here until you fall asleep? Go ahead. Now go to sleep. Now! Now go. You go to sleep.



# 2


설리 Mike, this isn't Boo's door.


마이크 Boo? What's Boo?


설리 That's what I decided to call her. Is there a problem?


마이크 Sul. You're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it.

Now put that thing back where it came from or so help me! Oh, hi! We're rehearsing a - a scene for the upcoming  company play called uh,

'Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me'. It's a musical.



# 3


마이크 Sulley, what about everything that we ever worked for? Does that matter? Huh? And what about Celia? I am never... never going to see her again. Doesn't that matter? What about me? I'm your pal. I'm your best friend. Don't I matter?


설리 I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry we are stuck out here. I didn't mean for this to happen.

But Boo's in trouble. I think there might be a way to save her if we can just get down to that....


마이크 We? Whoa, whoa, we?! No. There's no we this time, pal. If you want to go out there and freeze to death, you be my guest. Because you are on your own.




# 4


마이크 Look, it's not that I don't care about the kid.


설리 Mike, you don't understand.


마이크 Yes, I do. I was just mad, that's all. I needed some time to think. But you shouldn't have left me out there.


설리 I'm being attacked.


마이크 No, I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to be honest. Just hear me out. Look, you and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship.

I know, kid. He's too sensitive. Come on, pal. If you start crying, I'm going to cry.

And I'll never get through this. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. But I am now.



# 5


설리 Nothing is coming out your closet to scare you anymore, right? Good bye, Boo.




설리 Kitty has to go.




로즈 None of this has ever happened, gentlemen. And I don't want to see any paperwork on this.



# 6


마이크 Hey, Sulley.


설리 Yeah, Mike. I was...


마이크 Listen, have you got a minute? There's something that I want to show you. Okay? Close your eyes. Follow me. Come on. No peeking. Keep coming. Keep coming. Come on. Keep coming. Keep coming.


설리 Alright.


마이크 Follow the sultry sound of my voice. Okay. Stop. Open up. Tada.


설리 Mike. Is that..?


마이크 Sorry, it took so long. pal. There was a lot of wood to go through. You know it only works if you have every piece.



사진출처 - 네이버 스틸컷


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